
  The Dock Chronicles   Glen Davis Foss 2012     If you are reading these stories, there is a pretty good chance that we’re related. And if we are, then there’s a damn good chance that you are a hard working, good looking, above average human being.  No brag, just fact… that’s who we are.  As they say tongue in cheek on the waterfront, “We’re kinda slow, but we don’t steal.”  I figure we must be related because probably nobody, other than blood, would have an inclination to read my ramble.  These stories were written over the course of two summers working on Custom House Wharf on the waterfront in Portland, Maine and were originally posted on my blog. The blog address, if it still exists, is .  The story of who we are and how we got to this point is written and published in the book Broken Open by the author Elizabeth Lesser in a story entitled “Before and After”. Writing is something I picked up in ...